
Safiya Leslie is bringing new energy and a young soul to the world jazz & neo-soul scene today. Emerging from a chrysalis of positivity and consciousness, Safiya is an artist...

EarthTones ft. Tim & Friends

Good music, poetry, beats, and vibes for the summer as saxophonist, poet, and producer Tim Hall collaborates with an array of talented friends in the Commons this summer.  Tim Hall...


With a Loop Station, South African born Selkii creates sonic backdrops for her powerful vocals. (7th place on South African Idol TV Show) , Team Blake NBC The Voice Finalist.)...

Fabiola Méndez Trio

Fabiola Méndez is a Puerto Rican cuatro player, singer, educator, and composer that has taken part in a musical movement, crossing over the lines of genres such as folkloric, jazz...

Brooke Annibale

Not confined by any one genre, Brooke Annibale's expressive and beautifully thoughtful songwriting creates a dreamy, dark, and enticing sonic landscape. Her songs have been placed on many TV shows...

DJ SavSoul


Yelena is a Cuban- Dominican Latin/ R&B soul artist and boston’s Latin artist of the year. Born in Boston, MA and growing up in Orlando and Cape Coral, Florida, she...

EarthTones ft. Tim & Friends

Good music, poetry, beats, and vibes for the summer as saxophonist, poet, and producer Tim Hall collaborates with an array of talented friends in the Commons this summer.  Tim Hall...

Sheryl Bailey & Jon Wheatley

Bebop and Swing guitarists, Sheryl Bailey and Jon Wheatley share their passion and joy for the music of the most influential jazz guitarists: Jimmy Raney, Ted Dunbar, Joe Puma, and...

Gregory Groover, JR

Raised with devotion for music, Gregory George Groover Jr is a twenty-nine year old tenor saxophonist and educator from Roxbury, Massachusetts. His love and pursuit of music directed him to...